- Sign up for Mock Interviews here!
- In-Class Worksheet here
- Today is the first day of class!
- Make sure to bring a notebook to take notes and your resume if you want feedback.
- Check the latest blog post for important announcements related to tomorrow’s class!
- Sign up for the course here if you are interested in attending!
- Last day to register is 2/2 by 6:00 p.m.
- Lectures begin this Friday: 2/3. ___
About the Course
This course aims to help students apply core computer science skills learnt in classes to the environment of the unfamiliar or intimidating technical interview.
The course will take place on Fridays in CSIC 1122 from 2:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.
The syllabus and schedule can be found here.
Checkout the Github repository for all course material files.
Any questions can be emailed to
Thanks to the following for making this course happen:
- Dr. Samir Khuller
- Dr. Alan Sussman